Phone numbers are not provided for use on any event related information. Event questions will be handled by Ticketmaster outlet or phone sales agents. Ticket Centers are walk up services only, employees are not authorized to give event information by phone. Group Sales - 915/747-5234
When is the box office open?
Mon.-Fri. 8:00am - 6:00pm Sat. 10:00am - 4:00pm Weekends Per Event Basis Extended hours per event basis Magoffin Auditorium Box Office open for events only Doors open: 1 hour prior to event.
What payment types are accepted?
Cash, Visa, MC, and Discover.
What are the will call rules?
Will Call: Available during business hours at the University Ticket Center. Day of Show: Box Office located in the Magoffin Auditorium lobby, one hour prior to event. Picture ID and the credit card used to order the tickets will be required.
What are the parking options at UTEP Magoffin Auditorium?
Parking is free and is located in the center of Campus. During classes, parking may be limited. There is additional parking in the Sun Bowl parking garage behind the Fox Fine Arts Center located on Sun Bowl Drive.
What are the general rules of UTEP Magoffin Auditorium?
Venue has a Clear Bag Policy. No audio recorders, cameras, video equipment, food, or drinks allowed to be brought inside. No smoking allowed.
Are children allowed?
Children 2 and over must have a ticket.
UTEP Magoffin Auditorium Seating Chart
PageantSleeping Beauty
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.