What are the general rules of The Carolina?
Items NOT allowed: Alcoholic or other Beverages Artificial Noise Makers Audio or Video Recording Devices Cameras (camera policies vary on an event by event basis) Bags (larger than 10"x8"x8") Backpacks Beach Balls Canes, Chains or Sticks of any length (non-medical use canes) Cans, Glass or Metal Containers Coolers (unless containing medical supplies) Diaper Bags (unless accompanied by a baby) Fireworks or any Explosive Folding Chairs Food and Beverage Helium Balloons Illegal Drugs Knives of any size Laser Pointers Masks Pets (except serviced animals for patrons with disabilities) Promotion items with commercial identification Tape Recorders Large golf or non-telescopic umbrellas Weapons of any description, including firearms (weapons with a carry permit are also prohibited) Signs, banners, flags or any other items that would either obstruct the view of a patron or serve as a dangerous projectile or security risk. Other items that in the judgement of Carolina Theatre management pose a safety risk or diminish the enjoyment of an event by other patrons.