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What are the will call rules?
Will call is available at the venue box office after 5pm on show day.
What are the parking options at Tally Ho Theater?
Parking garage is next door. Parking is $1 per hour but free after 7pm.
What are the general rules of Tally Ho Theater?
No large bags, firearms or knives
Are children allowed?
All ages allow but NEED a ticket.
Tally Ho Theater Seating Chart
Burn the BallroomCarbon LeafFirehouseL.A. GunsLive WireMushroomheadStrangelove: The Depeche Mode ExperienceTen - Pearl Jam Tribute BandTexas Hippie CoalitionThe WailersYonder Mountain String BandZOSO
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.