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What are the box office phone numbers?
702-298-8510 800-221-1306- ext. 8510 800-548-6263 for Hotel Reservations
When is the box office open?
Hours vary
What payment types are accepted?
Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express *Photo I.D. required for all credit card transactions.
What are the will call rules?
Tickets may be picked up at the Box Office during regular business hours up to 1 hour prior to show time. Customers must present Photo I.D. and billing credit card to pick up at Will Call.
What are the parking options at Rio Vista Outdoor Amphitheater at Harrah's Laughlin?
Free valet & self-parking available.
Is there accessible seating?
Accessible seating available at all venues. Please contact the Box Office directly at 800-221-1306 ext. 8510 OR 702-298-8510 for special accommodations.
What are the general rules of Rio Vista Outdoor Amphitheater at Harrah's Laughlin?
No outside food or beverage permitted No smoking / Shirts & shoes required No audio or video recording devices
Are children allowed?
All patrons need to have a ticket *Age limits may vary by show
Rio Vista Outdoor Amphitheater at Harrah... Seating Chart
Bailey ZimmermanBret MichaelsLos Angeles Azules
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.