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What are the box office phone numbers?
When is the box office open?
Monday-Friday 10:00am-6:00pm Saturday-Sunday Closed Box Office is located at Southwest Ticket Office.
What payment types are accepted?
- Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express are accepted. Rice-Eccles Stadium is a cashless venue.
What are the will call rules?
Will Call times and locations will vary based on event.
What are the parking options at Rice-Eccles Stadium?
Various parking lots surround the stadium. Parking availability and pricing will vary based on event Patron dropoff at 500 South.
What are the general rules of Rice-Eccles Stadium?
No cameras, videos, audio. No smoking
Are children allowed?
All ages are allowed. Minimum ticketing requirements for children are dependent on each performance.
Rice-Eccles Stadium Seating Chart
Billy JoelMexico National Football TeamMonster Energy AMA Supercross ChampionshipMonster Jam World FinalsMonster Jam World Finals QualifyingPost Malone
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.