Monday-Friday : 10:00am to 5:00pm Closed on Holidays.
What payment types are accepted?
Cash, Visa, MasterCard and Discover
What are the will call rules?
Location : Front Lobby / Box Office Hours : 2 hours prior to show time Customer must present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a photo ID and Ticketmaster account order number to receive tickets.
What are the parking options at Peabody Auditorium?
Location : Down Auditorium Blvd., just West of Wild Olive or at the Ocean Walk Garage at A1A and Earl Street just North of the Ocean Center.
Is there accessible seating?
The Peabody is a wheelchair accessible venue. Seating designated as accessible is reserved for wheelchair-bound patrons accompanied by up to three companions.
What are the general rules of Peabody Auditorium?
Items NOT Allowed : - no flash photography - no audio or video recording devices - no outside food or drink Items Allowed : contact venue Smoking Policy: No smoking in facility; however smoking is permitted in the outdoor patio area.
Are children allowed?
Varies per event. Refer to event or contact box office.
Peabody Auditorium Seating Chart
Aaron LewisAir SupplyAtlanta Rhythm SectionBeginningsBrit FloydColin Mochrie & Brad SherwoodCornerstone Conference - 2 Day EventDanae HaysDaytona Beach Symphony SocietyForeigners Journey with Rudy CardenasFrankie Valli & The Four SeasonsGet the Led OutHappy Together TourLittle River BandMatt FraserMean Girls (Touring)Million Dollar Time MachinePretty Woman: The Musical (Touring)The DocksidersThe Rock Orchestra By CandlelightThe Simon & Garfunkel Story (Touring)The Traveling MilburysTom JonesWorld Ballet Company: The Great Gatsby
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.