Mon-Sat: 10:00-17:30 Sun: 12:00-17:00 On concert nights the box office will remain open for counter booking until 15mins after the start of an event and on Sundays, if there is a concert, the box office will be open from 12:00 until 15 minutes after the start of an event for counter bookings.
What are the parking options at Liverpool Philharmonic Hall?
There is a car park adjacent to the hall. There is a charge for parking.
Is there accessible seating?
The venue is accessible for wheelchair users. Wheelchair spaces available in stalls and boxes. Disabled toilets available. Cash point and telephone accessible to disabled patrons.Disabled access to restaurant and bar.
What are the general rules of Liverpool Philharmonic Hall?
No cameras, video cameras or audio recording devices. No food.(only in auditorium (not in bar areas) No bottles or cans. (only in auditorium) No alcohol or illegal substances. (only in auditorium) Smoking is not allowed in the venue.
Are children allowed?
There is no minimum age of admittance. If a child is being disruptive they must be removed from the venue.
Liverpool Philharmonic Hall Seating Chart
ABCAlice RobertsAljaz & JanetteAndy and the Odd SocksBoyzlifeChris McCauslandClinton BaptisteDavid GrayDionne WarwickElis James & John RobinsFisherman's FriendsGraham NashHarry HillJack DeeJohn CaleJools Holland and His Rhythm & Blues OrchestraJosh BaulfJosh WiddicombeKim WildeLang LangLevel 42LevellersMARVEL STUDIO´S INFINITY SAGA CONCERT EXPERIENCEMatt GossMike and the MechanicsPhil RosenthalRick WakemanRob BeckettRob BrydonRoss NobleRumerRumours of Fleetwood MacRussell KaneRussell WatsonScott Bradlee's Postmodern JukeboxSimply DylanSophie Ellis BextorSophie McCartneySuzanne VegaThe Amy Winehouse BandThe Bootleg BeatlesThe Horne SectionThe ManfredsThe StylisticsTony HadleyWardrunaWet Wet Wet
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.