Ticketmaster UK 0870 154 40 40, International 00 44 161 385 3500 24hr Credit Card Booking Line.
When is the box office open?
Box Office 09:30 - 17:00 (Monday - Friday) 10:00 - Kick Off (Match days) The stadium box office is located at the corner of the Whitehorse Lane stand.
What payment types are accepted?
All major credit cards accepted on the 24hr credit card line.
What are the will call rules?
Take the credit card and Ticketmaster reference number and collect from a partocabin in the executive car park from noon for a Saturday game and from 17.00hrs for a weekday game.
What are the parking options at Electric Palace?
Parking available in Sainsburys car park; free after 13.30hrs on saturday and 18.30hrs weekdays.
Is there accessible seating?
Wheelchair access must be booked through the venue on (020) 8771 8841 The contact for these bookings is Mrs M Lewis Seating is also available for blind supporters. Please contact Roger Dickson on (020) 8289 7628.
What are the general rules of Electric Palace?
Full conditions of sale are printed on the reverse of the ticket.
Are children allowed?
Babes in arms not adimitted. All children must be able to sit in a seat.
Electric Palace Seating Chart
Chris McCauslandDanny BakerGeoff NorcottGeorgie CarrollJenny EclairLou SandersThe Comedy Store
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.