The booking office is located on 13 Campbell Street (right next to Capital Thai Restaurant).
When is the box office open?
The Box Office opening hours are Monday - Friday 9am-5pm. Box office hours are extended during show times.
What payment types are accepted?
Cash, credit card, EFTPOS.
What are the parking options at Capitol Theatre, Sydney?
Please visit the Capitol Theatre website for useful travel, parking and plan your visit information:
Is there accessible seating?
For Wheelchair and Companion Card bookings, please call 9320 5000 during business hours.
Are children allowed?
All persons (including children) attending the theatre are required to have of a valid ticket.
Capitol Theatre, Sydney Seating Chart
AnnieThe Book of Mormon (Australia)
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.