Location : box office Opens : during normal box office hours Pick-up tickets one hour prior to show. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID.
What are the parking options at Bardavon 1869 Opera House?
Location : Parking, Municipal lots are clearly identified.
What are the general rules of Bardavon 1869 Opera House?
No recording devices of any kind, Cameras, Illegal substances, Flashlights, Laser pens, weapons, knives, alcohol, fireworks, pets (except assistance/service dogs) Smoking is NOT permitted
Are children allowed?
Everyone must have a ticket.
Bardavon 1869 Opera House Seating Chart
Almost QueenBardavon Opera House Friday Film SeriesChris HayesFidelioJustin FurstenfeldLe Nozze Di FigaroLeonid & FriendsMary Chapin CarpenterRobin TrowerSalomeSamara Joy
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.