(480) 965-3434 - Gammage information and Charge By Phone (480) 965-6678 - Gammage Group Services
When is the box office open?
Box Office is open 10am-6pm Monday - Friday and event days. The Box Office will be closed on Fridays, during the summer months.
What payment types are accepted?
Box office accepts all major credit cards
What are the will call rules?
Will Call is open during regular Box Office Hours and 2 hours prior to curtain.
What are the parking options at ASU Gammage?
More information at: asugammage.com/parking
Is there accessible seating?
Venue is accessible to all patrons. Seats in accessible section are limited to one companion seat. THERE IS NO ACCESSIBLE SEATING AVAILABLE IN BALCONY OR TIER SECTIONS. PATRON MUST USE STAIRS TO GAIN ACCESS TO BALCONY OR TIER SEATING.
What are the general rules of ASU Gammage?
No latecomers! Late seating only between acts. No cameras, recorders of any type.
Are children allowed?
Everyone, including infants, must have a ticket
ASU Gammage Seating Chart
ASU PhilharmoniaASU Symphony OrchestraASU Wind SymphonyFood Bank InfluencerHang TimeLife of Pi (Touring)Mamma Mia! (Touring)Moulin Rouge! The Musical (Touring)NARUTO: The Symphonic ExperienceRain: A Tribute To The BeatlesWicked (Touring)
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.