Annie MacAtsuko OkatsukaBob The Drag QueenCeolChoice Music PrizeChristy MooreDamien DempseyDan McCabeDara Ó BriainDavid O'DohertyDeclan O'RourkeEmma DoranEnya MartinFoil Arms & HogG-EazyIris DeMentJames Vincent McMorrowJason ByrneJason IsbellJohn CaleLake Street DiveLawrenceLegend of Luke KellyMarc ScibiliaMary BlackMoonlight: the Philip Lynott EnigmaNeil DelamerePillow QueensRTE Radio 1 Folk AwardsSoda BlondeSturgill SimpsonThe Blindboy PodcastThe CoronasThe DareThe Dublin LegendsThe FureysThe High KingsThe Mary WallopersTommy TiernanTony CantwellToro y MoiVir Dasthe olllam