What are the parking options at Soldier Field?
Chicago Bears Parking Information: All of the spaces in the on-site parking lots near Soldier Field are pre-sold for the entire season to Bears season ticket holders. If you do not have a pre-paid coupon, here are some options for you: If you prefer to tailgate before the Bears games, you can park in the 31st Street McCormick Place Lot. It costs $16 and there are shuttle buses to bring you to the 18th Street Shuttle Turnaround, directly across from the stadium. You can also walk to the stadium from the 31st Street Lot. If you don't want to tailgate, we recommend you park in the East Monroe Street / Millennium Park garages, located at Columbus Drive and Monroe Street. It costs $13 and you can then take the free shuttle directly to the 18th Street Shuttle Turnaround. The shuttle bus takes about 10 minutes because it travels on a specially designed bus way which keeps it out of most Soldier Field traffic. There are over 40 buses continuously shuttling fans beginning five hours prior to kickoff. Lastly, we recommend taking public transportation. The Transportation Center, located northeast of the stadium (at the corner of McFetridge and Museum Campus Drive) is where the CTA, Metra shuttle, and PACE bus services will be available for fans drop-off and pick-up. The CTA's train service for the Red, Orange or Green Lines are available at the Roosevelt Road and State Street Station. For schedule and route information, please contact: RTA (312) 836-7000 or rtachicago.com CTA (888) YOUR-CTA or transitchicago.com