Tickets left for collection can be picked up from the box office anytime during opening hours.
What are the parking options at Octagon?
Free parking available.
Is there accessible seating?
The venue is accessible to people with special needs, as there is a lift to the venue.
What are the general rules of Octagon?
No video cameras or recording devices allowed. No cans/drinks allowed in. No dress code. No readmittance. Smoking is allowed in this venue.
Are children allowed?
All gigs open to 14s and over unless otherwise stated. Sheffield University venues are not suitable for children.
Octagon Seating Chart
Alan DaviesAlice RobertsAndy and the Odd SocksScott Bradlee's Postmodern JukeboxThe Mary Wallopers
The map below does not reflect availability. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.