Overall Rating
Chicago, at first dubbed The Chicago Transit Authority, immediately stood out due to their unique, horn-driven instrumentation and top-notch songwriting, a combination that quickly found a home on free-form FM radio in the late '60s. After 45-plus years in business, Chicago's music has never left the airwaves and the band remains on tour more often than not, playing concerts in every corner of North America. With a catalog of hits including "Saturday in the Park," "Beginnings," "If You Leave Me Now," "Baby What a Big Surprise," "You're the Inspiration," and "Hard Habit To Break," fans are always eager to snap up tickets to catch one of the most successful American rock bands in history. Four members of the group's current lineup -- vocalist/guitarist/keyboardist Robert Lamm and horn section members Lee Loughnane, James Pankow and Walter Parazaider -- date back to Chicago's formation in 1967. Even today, the band isn't just about nostalgia; Chicago continues to record new singles and albums regularly.